J&R Auto Body Shop and J&R Autopaint Express Free Estimates Call: (703) 296-0720
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Lowest Price Guarantee!* Wholesale Price Savings
Select Your
Insurance Company
21st Century InsuranceAAA Auto InsuranceAIG InsuranceAllied InsuranceAllmerica InsuranceAllstate InsuranceAmerican Family InsuranceAmerican National InsuranceAmica InsuranceANPAC InsuranceArbella InsuranceAssurance America InsuranceAutobody Alliance CertifiedAuto-Owners InsuranceCalifornia CasualtyCEI InsuranceCentral Insurance CompaniesChubb InsuranceCincinatti InsuranceCitizens InsuranceCommerce InsuranceConstitution StateCornerstone InsuranceCotton States InsuranceDirect Auto InsuranceEastwood InsuranceEncompassErie InsuranceEsuranceEverest InsuranceFarm Bureau InsuranceFarmers InsuranceFireman's FundFred Loya InsuranceGainsco InsuranceGEICO InsuranceGeneral Auto InsuranceGeneral CasualtyGMAC InsuranceGrange Insurance
Your Road to Collision Repair Excellence
Our Services include Auto Body Work, Collision Damage Repair, Paintless Dent Removal, Fiberglass Repair, Frame Repair, Scratch Removal, Spoiler Installation, Custom Paint Work, Expert Paint Matching, Paint Color Change, Paint Color Re-Spray, Paint Touch-Up and Lifetime Paint Warranty.
We Repair All Foreign and Domestic Makes and Models including Acura, Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Corvette, Dodge, Ferrari, FIAT, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hummer, Hyundai, Infiniti, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln, Lotus, Maserati, Maybach, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz, MG, MINI, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Porsche, Ram, Rolls-Royce, Saab, Scion, Smart, Subaru, Suzuki, Toyota, VW Volkswagen, Volvo and more.
You Have Arrived at the Right Destination!
Your life should not be turned upside down just because you need collision repair.
At J&R Auto Body Shop we focus on quickly restoring your lifestyle.
You will receive a fair and accurate estimate, state-of-the-art technology, superior performance from our fully trained body work and paint team, frequent status updates on your car, and on-time delivery guarantee. These are just a few of the benefits offered at our 24/7 Express Auto Body Customer Service Center and is what makes J & R Auto Body Shop, Auto Body Collision Repair Centers stand above the rest, offering you the shortest route to your car’s complete recovery.
Ask about our Exclusive Door to Door Valet Service Free Pickup and Delivery!
Five Star Reviews 2014
Tony Suarez
I have a 2003 Volvo wagon that has survived 2 teenagers, but not without scars to prove it. The car looked horrible where the paint was peeling off, the molding was turning white and the dents where obvious from where the girls hit road cones. I love that car and wanted to fix it, as it runs great and gets 25~30MPG, plus I have one more to teach how to drive in it. I took it to J&R and they fixed the dents, repainted the body and cleaned the car up!! Now my kids are not embarrassed to be seen back in the wagon!. It looks like new and still runs great. Thank You to all the folks at J&R who worked tirelessly on restoring my car to look new again! And yes, I do recommend them to my friends and family and plan on bringing more of my cars to J&R when they are in need. Tony Suarez
Ken Williams
It is rare that I give any company 5 stars. But, the team at J&R have been exceptional!! I have had the unfortunate luck of needing auto body work on three separate high-end vehicles. My first accident was a hit and run. They took care of every detail and the car looked amazing! The second vehicle was over 10 years old and needed a new bumper. For just a little bit more they made the entire truck look brand new! My neighbors couldn't believe it was the same SUV. Not only do they do great work, they also provided door to door valet service! J&R picked up my car from the front of my house on Thursday and had it back in my driveway, shiny and restored, on Monday! You guys are the best!! Thank you!
Carina Elhordoy
I was at the shop and my car was fixed fantastically, the job done was amazing. For sure this would be the place I would go back to. The customer service is excellent and Mr. Lopez was completely dedicated to the job and my satisfaction!
Endorsements from New Car and Used Car Dealer Partners
As General Manager of BMW, Porsche and Audi, I outsourced the majority of our used car sales department’s pre-owned vehicle inventory, paint and body work to J&R Autopaint Express Repair Shop. In spite of the fact that J&R in located in Northern Virginia and we are in Maryland, they made the distance transparent for us. Their cost was always contained in the amount discussed. They were flexible to have panel pricing, so we could assess auction and trade estimates, without the need for an estimate. Javier and his team were always professional to work with, both in terms of committed re-delivery and understanding that sometimes we just need things done faster. On many occasions they completed work overnight or over weekends so that we were ready to go. BMW, Porsche and Audi General Manager
On behalf of MINI, I would like to recognize the professionals at J&R auto body. I have worked with J&R directly and I send all of our repairs to them, because I know what the outcome is going to be. Every time I send a car there I know that it will come back looking like new; whether it be a small repair or a large repair, the outcome is always the same, perfection. New Car MINI Sales Manager
I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for J&R Auto Body on behalf of our BMW Dealership. They are an excellent group of craftsmen. This group is dependable and the customer service is exceptional. Our BMW Dealership has worked with J&R for many years and the level of craftsmanship has never faltered. The materials that are used are always the highest quality and the repairs are done as if the staff where working on their own cars. Without a doubt the best mechanics shop I have worked with in Northern Virginia. BMW Used Car Manager
As the General Sales Manager of Porsche, top selling Porsche dealer, Javier and his company, J & R Auto Body Paint Express runs a fine-tuned collision paint restoration repair shop that does outstanding work. I find that during my final inspecting of a vehicle, after repairs are complete, the workmanship and commitment to quality is always delivered by J & R Auto Body Paint Express. Porsche General Sales Manager
21st Century Insurance AAA Auto Insurance AIG Insurance Allied Insurance Allmerica Insurance Allstate Insurance American Family Insurance American National Insurance Amica Insurance ANPAC Insurance Arbella Insurance Assurance America Insurance Autobody Alliance Certified Auto-Owners Insurance California Casualty CEI Insurance Central Insurance Companies Chubb Insurance Cincinatti Insurance Citizens Insurance Commerce Insurance Constitution State Cornerstone Insurance Cotton States Insurance Direct Auto Insurance Eastwood Insurance Encompass Erie Insurance Esurance Everest Insurance Farm Bureau Insurance Farmers Insurance Fireman's Fund Fred Loya Insurance Gainsco Insurance
GEICO Repair Estimate General Auto Insurance General Casualty GMAC Insurance Grange Insurance
We Accept ALL Auto Insurance Company, Accident Claim, Estimate Assignments and for Your Benefit and Savings, We Work Closely with All Automobile Insurance Companies. Serving Customers from Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland Since 2000
Before and After Pictures
Ask About Our Exclusive 'Door to Door' Valet Service Free Pickup and Delivery
Our Exclusive Door to Door Valet Service
- Free Computerized Estimate
- Free Vehicle Pickup
- Free Vehicle Return
- Auto Body Repair
- Auto Collision Repair
- Auto Paint Work
- We Work with ALL Insurance Companies
- We Coordinate ALL Claim Service Insurance Inspections
- We Work with ALL Insurance Company’s Written Estimates
- Assist with the Insurance Company Rental Car Company
Need To Submit An Auto Claim?
Don’t miss a beat at home or at the office while we handle the entire repair process for you with our Door to Door Valet Auto Body Auto Collision Vehicle Pickup, Estimate, Repair, Vehicle Return and Insurance Claim Service. We work with ALL Insurance Company’s Estimates.
You Don't Even Need To Leave Your Home Or Office To Have Your Car Fixed!
Our Door to Door Valet Auto Body Auto Collision Vehicle Pickup, Estimate, Repair, Vehicle Return and Coordinated Insurance Claim Service solves the problem and is the better way to do insurance and auto damage repair. We work hard to deliver a level of customer care you’d never expect, beyond our great rates and unparalleled service.
Benefits of J & R’s Door to Door Valet Auto Body Auto Collision Repair and Insurance Claim Service.
We Guarantee the Repair Work and provide a Lifetime Paint Warranty for As Long As You Own or Lease Your Car
We Streamline Your Insurance Claim Auto Damage Estimating Process
The Insurance Industry Prefers and Recommends our CCC ONE™ Estimating Software Process Which Continues a Long-Standing Tradition of Simplicity, Accuracy and Rich Features That Made CCC ONE Estimating The #1 Estimating System for Insurance Customers and the Auto Accident Insurance Companies and Auto Collision Insurance Industry.
Auto Repair and Insurance Claim Coordination Service
Leave the Details to Us.
With this distinctive valet service, we take care of all the details so you don't have to. You don't even need to leave your home or office to have your car fixed. It's like having a personal valet, making it the perfect fit for your busy lifestyle. Plus, we guarantee the paint work for as long as you own or lease your car, when you choose J & R Auto Body Shop, an Express Auto Body and Collision Repair Center.
J&R Auto Body Shop, Manassas Park VA, Accident Collision Repair, Serving VA, MD, DC, Free Estimate, Wholesale Prices, We Accept ALL Auto Insurance Companies
J&R Auto Body Shop
8192 Euclid Court, Suite #1 Manassas Park, VA 20111 Body Shop Office: (703) 296-0720
Free Estimates: (703) 296-0720 for Auto Body Repair and Paint Repair
Free Estimate NOW!
Call (703) 296-0720
Select Your
Insurance Company
GuideOne InsuranceHorace MannInfinity AutoKemper InsuranceKemper PreferredLiberty Mutual InsuranceLYNX ServicesMercury Insurance GroupMetLife InsuranceMontgomery InsuranceNational General InsuranceNationwide InsuranceNorthland InsuranceOhio CasualtyOmni InsurancePeerless InsurancePGAC InsurancePGC InsurancePlymouth RockProgressive InsuranceQuincy MutualSafeco InsuranceSafety InsuranceSentry InsuranceShelter InsuranceState Farm InsuranceState Auto InsuranceStatewide InsuranceThe Hanover Insurance
The Hartford InsuranceThe Republic GroupTitan InsuranceTravelers InsuranceUNITRIN KemperUSAA InsuranceVictoria InsuranceVM InsuranceWestern Auto InsuranceZURICH Insurance
J&R Auto Body Shop is a Full Service Auto Body and Collision Center Repair Facility
From repairing small dents and scratches to heavy collision damage repair, frame repair, and spoiler installation, our technicians are certified to handle all aspects of your repair needs.
J&R Auto Body Shop is a "Drive-in" One-Stop-Shop for ALL Free Estimates.
We Accept ALL Insurance Companies.
J&R Auto Body Shop Spray Booth Paint Work is Flawless and Immaculate.
Our computerized paint mixing system insures a perfect color match, regardless of the make of vehicle. We offer the best in auto repair and paint for high-end luxury vehicles, specializing in Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Porsche and more. J & R Auto Paint Express is an auto paint service business. Services include custom paint, color changes, resprays, expert paint matching, scratch removal and touch-ups.
J&R Auto Body Shop Repairs Your Car in a Timely Manner, without unnecessary delay including frame repair to suspension work to wheel alignments.
J&R Auto Body Shop 8192 Euclid Court, Suite #1 Manassas Park, Virginia 20111
Call (703) 296-0720 for Free Estimates
for 24 Hour Towing Service please call: 571-237-8476
J&R Auto Body & Collision Repair Center is a full service auto paint work, auto body and collision repair center offering services to the Greater Washington (DC), Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA) Metropolitan Area. Serving the local community since 2000, our experienced team is here to help you keep your car looking great at prices that won't break your budget. Bring your car or truck by today to take advantage of our free estimates. Learn More About J&R Auto Body Shop:
- Auto Paint Work - Auto paint repair work for foreign and domestic automobiles
- Auto Painting Services - Spot painting, clear coats, full car painting and more
- Auto Body Repair - Specializing in full automotive repair to scratches, scuffs and dents
- Auto Collision Repair - A complete restoration may include accident damage repair to the body, trim, chrome, wheels, the passenger compartment, components, the engine and engine compartment, trunk, frame, driveline, and all ancillary parts like the brakes, accessories, engine cooling system and electrical system. Repairs are made to correct obvious mechanical problems, as well as for cosmetic reasons including rust removal, straightening, priming, and painting.
All of our technicians are experts and we offer a lifetime written warranty for all Auto Paint Work.
Call, fill out the Free Estimate Form or stop by for a free estimate.
Contact J & R Auto Body Shop today at (703) 296-0720 to schedule an appointment.
With more than 14 years’ experience in the auto body and collision repair automobile business, we have the experience to handle any auto body repair need. Our motto has always been, "Highest Standard of Excellence from Appraisal to the Completed Repairs". Throughout the Greater Washington (DC), Virginia (VA) and Maryland (MD) Metropolitan Area Since 2000, we are a well-respected repair facility with an excellent reputation for quality and value. We place customer service and outstanding proficiency high on our list of priorities. We continually require our estimators, technicians and painters to attend training seminars
Estimates are available by appointment 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday. Our hours of operation are 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM Monday thru Friday. Saturday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Our After Hours drop box is located outside our office and available 24 hours a day.
J&R Auto Body Shop, Manassas Park VA, Accident Collision Repair, Serving VA, MD, DC, Free Estimate, Wholesale Prices, We Accept ALL Auto Insurance Companies
Endorsements from New Car and Used Car Dealer Partners
I had the good fortune to be referred to J&R Auto Body. During these last four months, I have had the opportunity to observe the quality craftsmanship of J&R’s work and have been impressed time again. They always deliver on time and with quality work, in this particular business it is very reassuring to know that there is a reliable auto body shop in our area. I look forward to a long lasting relationship with J&R Auto Body Shop. I recommend them to fellow dealerships as well as friends every chance I get. Nissan Pre-owned Sales Manger
I have the good fortune to work with J&R auto body. During this time, I’ve have had the opportunity to observe the craftsmanship of J&R and have been impressed time again. They always deliver on time and do quality work. In this particular business, it is very reassuring to know that there is a reliable auto body shop that always delivers consistent work. BMW General Sales Manger
Welcome to J&R Auto Body Shop and Collision Center
• One Stop Destination for Full Collision and Mechanical Repair • Repair All Makes and Models Foreign and Domestic • Repair Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Minivans and Vans • Accept All Insurance Companies
J&R Auto Body Shop Center in Manassas Park, VA, serving the Greater Washington DC VA MD Metropolitan Area.
J&R AUTO BODY SHOP and COLLISION CENTER is a State Of The Art Collision Center in the VA DC MD Area. If you are searching for a Washington, DC auto body shop, a MD body shop or a VA body shop, or simply looking for dent removal or glass repair, Our Manassas Park VA certified collision repair center has the high-tech resources to make your vehicle look and run just like the day you first took it home.
J&R Collision Center and J&R Auto Body Shop in Manassas Park, VA has specialized and highly skilled Body Repair, Body Shop, Dent Removal, Paint Repair, and Body Repair Techs plus the full benefit of all of the Factory Certified Mechanics from our Partner Dealership locations. As part of the J&R and Dealer Partner Auto Group network, we have access to over 100 years of certified auto repair excellence, and expert certified technicians who have spent years working on all makes and all models and will fix, repair, remove dents, and fully recondition your vehicle.
At J&R Auto Body Shop and Collision Center, we also offer a variety of auto body shop, collision repair and dent removal services including Auto Glass Repair and Alloy Wheel Repair. Our Washington DC VA MD area auto body repair shop is here to help. From dent repair to full collision repair, J&R Auto Body Collision Center is your one stop destination.
More About J&R Auto Body Shop and Collision Center - Serving Washington, DC, Silver Spring, MD, Rockville, MD, Manassas, VA, Chantilly, VA, Centreville, VA, Alexandria, VA, Virginia, Arlington, VA, Sterling, VA, Burke, VA, Fairfax, VA & Woodbridge, VA
J&R Auto Body Shop and Collision Center is THE DC MD VA BODY SHOP of choice for multiple insurance companies - in fact all insurance is welcome at our body shop, including State Farm Insurance Group, Allstate Insurance Group, Berkshire Hathaway Insurance Group, Geico Insurance, Progressive Insurance Group, Farmers Insurance Group, USAA Insurance Group, Liberty Mutual Insurance Companies, Nationwide Insurance Group, Travelers Insurance Group, American Family Insurance Group, Hartford Insurance Group, Auto Club Enterprises Insurance Group, Mercury General Insurance Group, MetLife Insurance Group and Erie Insurance Group.
If you would like more information, you can learn more about J&R Auto Body Shop and Collision Center of Manassas on our About Us page, but there's no better way to get to know us than to come visit us in person. We're conveniently located at 8192 Euclid Court #1, Manassas Park, VA 20111, and we're happy to help you in any way we can -in fact we will gladly submit your claim to insurance and offer free estimates so you can always get the BEST DEALS on body shop repair, glass repair, dent removal, and collision repair. J&R Auto Body Shop Collision Center of Virginia, is part of the J&R Auto Express Group and proudly serves the greater Washington DC, Arlington, VA, Alexandria, VA, Fairfax, VA, Centreville, VA, Rockville, MD, Silver Spring, MD, Woodbridge, VA, Burke, VA and Sterling, Chantilly, VA area with quality dent removal, body repair, and car repair. We welcome you to stop in and say hello!
Our experienced staff is eager to share its knowledge and enthusiasm with you. Our trained and certified refinish technicians will get your vehicle looking like new in no time!
Serving: Arlington, Alexandria, Centreville, Dale City, Reston, McLean, Ashburn, Leesburg, Lake Ridge, Burke, Annandale, Manassas, Linton Hall, Oakton, Springfield, Fair Oaks, Falls Church, Sterling, Herndon, Chantilly, Fairfax, Tyson's Corner, and more and the Greater Washington (DC) Metropolitan Area, Northern Virginia (VA) and Maryland (MD) Since 2000.
Fleet Services
Dealer Services
Individual Services
Commercial Services
Full Mechanical Repair Complete Collision Repair A One Stop Shop Destination
All Insurance Company Estimates We Accept All Insurance Companies We Repair All Vehicle Makes and All Models Repair Cars, SUVs, Minivans, Trucks and Vans Repair All Foreign and Domestic Makes and Models
J & R Auto Body Shop Serves Customers of the Following Cities:
Alexandria, VA Annandale, VA Arlington, VA . Annapolis, MD Aspen Hill, MD Baltimore, MD |
Ashburn, VA Burke, VA Centreville, VA . Bel Air South, MD Bethesda, MD Bowie, MD |
Chantilly, VA Dale City, VA Fair Oaks, VA . Catonsville, MD Columbia, MD Dundalk, MD |
Fairfax, VA Falls Church, VA Fredericksburg, VA . Ellicott City, MD Essex, MD Frederick, MD |
Herndon, VA Leesburg, VA Manassas, VA . Gaithersburg, MD Germantown, MD Glen Burnie, MD |
McLean, VA Reston, VA Richmond, VA . Hagerstown, MD North Bethesda, MD Potomac, MD |
Springfield, VA Sterling, VA Tysons Corner, VA . Rockville, MD Severn, MD Silver Spring, MD |
Vienna, VA Woodbridge, VA Washington, DC . Towson, MD Waldorf, MD Wheaton, MD |
and more ...
J&R Auto Body Shop has been providing Professional Repair Service in VA, MD & DC for over 14 years since January of 2000.
Auto Paint Work, Auto Body Repair & Collision Center Repair at Wholesale Prices. Get a Free On-Line Repair Estimate. We Work With ALL Automobile Insurance Companies serving VA, MD, DC
21st Century Insurance AAA Auto Insurance AIG Insurance Allied Insurance Allmerica Insurance Allstate Insurance American Family Insurance American National Insurance Amica Insurance ANPAC Insurance Arbella Insurance Assurance America Insurance Autobody Alliance Certified Auto-Owners Insurance California Casualty CEI Insurance Central Insurance Companies Chubb Insurance Cincinatti Insurance Citizens Insurance Commerce Insurance Constitution State Cornerstone Insurance Cotton States Insurance Direct Auto Insurance Eastwood Insurance Encompass Erie Insurance |
Esurance Everest Insurance Farm Bureau Insurance Farmers Insurance Group Fireman's Fund Fred Loya Insurance Gainsco Insurance GEICO Insurance General Auto Insurance General Casualty GMAC Insurance Grange Insurance GuideOne Insurance Horace Mann Infinity Auto Kemper Insurance Kemper Preferred Liberty Mutual LYNX Services Mercury Insurance Group MetLife Insurance Montgomery Insurance National General Insurance Nationwide Northland Insurance Ohio Casualty Omni Insurance Peerless Insurance
PGAC Insurance PGC Insurance Plymouth Rock Progressive Insurance
Quincy Mutual Safeco Insurance Safety Insurance Sentry Insurance Shelter Insurance State Farm Insurance StateAuto Insurance Statewide Insurance The Hanover Insurance Group The Hartford Insurance The Republic Group Titan Insurance Travelers Insurance UNITRIN Kemper USAA Insurance Victoria Insurance VM Insurance Western Auto Insurance ZURICH Insurance. .
If you don't see your insurance company listed, don't worry. We Work With ALL Auto Insurance Companies Estimates. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
All Services | Promotions | Before and After Photo Gallery | Testimonials | Auto Dealer Partners | Auto Body Repair | Paintless Dent Removal | Scratch Removal | Wheels and Rims Repair | Fiberglass Repair | Spoiler Installation | Custom Paint Work | Expert Paint Matching | Paint Color Change | Paint Color Re-Spray | Paint Touch-Up | Lifetime Paint Warranty | Frame Repair | Mechanical Repair | Cooling System Repair | Drive Line Repair | Engine Repair | Electrical Repair | Fiberglass Repair | Passenger Compartment Repair | Trunk Repair | Auto Reconditioning | News and Events | Directions | Contact Us | About Us
J&R Auto Body Shop
8192 Euclid Court, Suite #1 Manassas Park, Virginia 20111
Call (703) 296-0720 for Free Estimates
for 24 Hour Towing Service please call: 571-237-8476
J&R Auto Body & Collision Repair Center is a full service auto paint work, auto body and collision repair center offering services to the Greater Washington (DC), Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA) Metropolitan Area. Serving the local community since 2000, our experienced team is here to help you keep your car looking great at prices that won't break your budget. Bring your car or truck by today to take advantage of our free estimates.
Learn More About J&R Auto Body Shop:
Auto Paint Work - Auto paint repair work for foreign and domestic automobiles
Auto Painting Services - Spot painting, clear coats, full car painting and more
Auto Body Repair - Specializing in full automotive repair to scratches, scuffs and dents
Auto Collision Repair - A complete restoration may include accident damage repair to the body, trim, chrome, wheels, the passenger compartment, components, the engine and engine compartment, trunk, frame, driveline, and all ancillary parts like the brakes, accessories, engine cooling system and electrical system. Repairs are made to correct obvious mechanical problems, as well as for cosmetic reasons including rust removal, straightening, priming, and painting.
All of our technicians are experts and we offer a lifetime written warranty for all Auto Paint Work.
Call, fill out the Free Estimate Form or stop by for a free estimate.
Contact J & R Auto Body Shop today at (703) 296-0720 to schedule an appointment.
With more than 14 years’ experience in the auto body and collision repair automobile business, we have the experience to handle any auto body repair need. Our motto has always been, "Highest Standard of Excellence from Appraisal to the Completed Repairs". Throughout the Greater Washington (DC), Virginia (VA) and Maryland (MD) Metropolitan Area Since 2000, we are a well-respected repair facility with an excellent reputation for quality and value. We place customer service and outstanding proficiency high on our list of priorities. We continually require our estimators, technicians and painters to attend training seminars
Estimates are available by appointment 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday thru Friday. Our hours of operation are 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM Monday thru Friday. Saturday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Our After Hours drop box is located outside our office and available 24 hours a day.
J&R Auto Body Shop, Manassas Park VA, Accident Collision Repair, Serving VA, MD, DC, Free Estimate, Wholesale Prices, We Accept ALL Auto Insurance Companies